Advice for Young People
General Advice
You’re Turning 16 – ‘What you need to know about your surgery’ Leaflet
Kooth is a free online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people
The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. We are here to help you take on any
challenge you’re facing – from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs. Talk via online, social or our free, confidential helpline.
Papyrus is a charity for the prevention of young suicide, offering confidential support and awareness training. If you are a young person at risk of suicide or are worried about a young person at risk of suicide
please contact us:
Call free on 0800 068 41 41
Email –
Samaritans |
Samaritans are available round the clock, every single day of the year. Talk to them any time you like, in your own way, about whatever’s getting to you. Calls are free and won’t show on your bill. |
Telephone 116 123 | Samaritans website |
Childline |
Whatever your worry – it’s better out than in. |
Telephone 0800 1111 (Call Free) | Childline website |
NCH Support Workers |
Practical help and information for 11 – 18 years olds in Somerset |
Taunton Telephone | 01823 256969 |
Bridgwater Telephone | 01278 429273 |
Yeovil Telephone | 01935 474973 |
Frome Telephone | 01373 451307 |
Somerset Eating Disorders Association |
Beat is the leading UK charity for people with eating disorders and their families. |
Telephone 01458 448600 | Beat Website |
Victim Support |
Advice service for victims of crime including sex crimes. |
Telephone 0808 168 9111 (Call Free) | Victim Support website |
Addiction Advice
Frank |
Information, help & advice on any drug related issue |
Telephone 0800 776600 (Call Free) | Talk to Frank website |
NHS Smokefree |
Support on how to stop smoking |
| NHS Smoke Free website |
On the Level |
Somerset service for under 18’s wanting help with drug & alcohol use |
Telephone 01749 836727 |
Sexual Health Advice
Somerset Wide Integrated Sexual Health Service |
Provides a ‘one stop shop’ which offers free and open-access to contraceptive and sexual health services to support healthy sexual and reproductive choices. |
Telephone 0300 124 5010 | Swish Services website |
Sexually Transmitted Infections |
Genita-Urinary Medicine (GUM) Clinics provide free testing & treatment |
Taunton (Appts) Telephone | 01823 252222 |
Health Advisor Telephone | 01823 332182 |
Contraceptive and Sexual Health Service |
Free services, including young people’s clinics across Somerset |
Telephone 01823 364940 | Contraceptive and Sexual Health Service website |
| | |
Emergency Contraception |
You have 3 days in which to act to try and prevent a pregnancy. Help is available from any GP who provides contraceptive services or from Contraceptive and Sexual Health Service (see above). During Bank Holidays emergency contraception may be obtained through Accident & Emergency Depts |