Preston Grove Medical Centre, Preston Grove, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 2BQTel: 01935 474353
We are in the process of changing our appointments system to an online system. This will go live on 11 July.
As a stepping stone to the new system we have had to stop booking appointments ahead but this is a temporary arrangement.
A new icon will appear on this website soon to allow you to register for our new online appointments service called AskMyGp. This should allow you access to a GP online throughout the working day. If you register for this service you will no longer have to wait in a telephone queue!
Watch this space...... and thank you for bearing with us through this changeover period
Telephone Advice Your doctor will be happy to give you advice on the telephone when he/she is not consulting. The receptionist will ask you to leave a message and the doctor will return your call when time permits.
Out of Hours If you require urgent medical attention outside surgery opening times. Please call the NHS 111 Service. This free to call number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Test Results Please telephone the surgery after 9.30am for your test results
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PPG Minutes 13 October 14.doc
PPG Minutes 23 Ferbuary 2015 .doc
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Preston Grove Patient group minutes 1 June 2015
Preston Grove Minutes 2 November 2015.docx
Preston Grove Minutes 7 March 2016.docx
Preston Grove Minutes 11 April 2016.docx
Preston Grove Minutes 11 January 2016.docx
Preston Grove Minutes 23 May 2016.docx
Preston grove patient group minutes 1 September 2014.doc
Preston grove patient group minutes 9 September 2014.doc
Preston grove patient group minutes 28 April 2014.doc
Preston Grove PPG minutes - 13 July 2015.doc
Preston Grove Patient Group Minutes 12 September 2016
Patient Group Terms of Reference
Patient Group Rules
Contact the Patient Group with your feedback, suggestion, comment or question. Please do not use this form for complaints - these should always be directed to the Practice Manager
Note that by using this form, you will be sending information about yourself across the Internet. Whilst every effort is made to keep this information secure, you should be aware that we cannot offer any guarantees of absolute privacy. If this matter concerns you then you should use another method to notify us of your comment.
Your IP address ( will be sent with your communication. In rare cases where abuse or criminal activity can be shown to have taken place this may be used by the authorities to trace you.